Tag Archives: sale

Featured 3D Model

featured model camel

3D model of a camel by Bondiana3d.com

Featured 3D Model

Featured 3D Model is here! This time we want to offer a special discount for our camel. Are you doing a project with desert enviroment? What are you waiting for using this detailed low poly model? We help you saving time modeling. You also can check our collection because we have a lot of others models that could help with your work.

Remember that this special deal is only till 31th of January, so don’t miss it! You can check it here:

Camel 3D Model by Bondiana3D

You can use it for your games, projects and environments. If you would like to see another of our models collection featured or ask us any questions, you can leave us a comment. We’ll glad to get in touch with you!


Red suits it! | El rojo le sienta bien

3d models for sale

You asked for it, so here it comes! The red version of winged dragon is now up. This model includes all next-gen maps as the green one, but the diffuse map have been changed with red color and a darker tone on the wings. The perfect combination for fire effects in a fantasy environment and rol.


All textures are UV mapped for easy editing and high quality (4096×4096 pixels).

No cleaning up necessary, just drop model into your scene and start rendering.

No special plug-in needed to open scene.

Low poly but, It’s ready for turbo smooth for more detailed projects.

If you want customs 3d models, you will be welcome 馃槈

You can get this version here:


Lo hab茅is pedido, 隆Asi que aqu铆 viene! La versi贸n en rojo del drag贸n alado ya est谩 disponible. Este modelo incluye todos los mapas como el anterior, la diferencia est谩 en el cambio de color en la textura y el oscurecimiento de las alas. Sin duda, la combinaci贸n perfecta para los escenarios de fantas铆a y rol.


Todas las texturas tienen mapas UV para hacer f谩cil su edici贸n para adaptarse a tus trabajos.

No es necesario ninguna modificaci贸n, solo incluye el modelo en tu proyecto y empieza a renderizar.

No se necesita ning煤n plugin para abrir el modelo.

Aunque es una figura baja pol铆gonos puede convertirse f谩cilmente en un modelo m谩s detallado ya que est谩 preparado para aplicar el turbo smooth.

Si quere铆s nuevas versiones, 隆Solo ten茅is que pedirlas! 馃槈

Pode铆s conseguir esta nueva versi贸n aqu铆:
